[Mageia-dev] Will this work for a build system?

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Sun Sep 26 18:04:16 CEST 2010

Le dimanche 26 septembre 2010 à 17:04 +0200, joris dedieu a écrit :
> 2010/9/26 Olivier Blin <mageia at blino.org>:
> > R James <upsnag2 at gmail.com> writes:
> >
> >>> BTW, I once calculated (test plus extrapolation) how long it would take
> >>> to rebuild every package in Mandriva on a low end 2 GHz Celeron server
> >>> that I had available and it came to about 80 days.
> >
> > With a reasonably good machine, we used to be able to rebuild most of
> > "main" in about one day.
> >
> >> Perhaps I was naive in thinking that compiling the distro could be
> >> done with distcc or even a simple queuing system that distributes
> >> SRPMs to nodes in the community swarm.  As each node returns its
> >> completed binary package, the queuing system could send it another
> >> SRPM to build.
> >>
> >> It would be cool if it could be done that way.  Why pay for data
> >> center space, hardware, electricity and big bandwidth when you could
> >> have a community-provided "cloud" for free? :o)
> >
> > Because there are some authentication and integrity issues which are not
> > simple to solve: we have to be sure that the binary packages really come
> > from the unmodified SRPM (so that it does not contains malware).
> This can be avoid by
> - building every package twice (also useful for integrity check)

What if a package has changed between the first build and the second in
such a way that it impact the compilation ?

This would either requires to resubmit the packages ( which will be
quickly annoying ) or this would requires 3rd compilation, maybe a 4th

what if the binary include hostname, build date and so on ?

then the build will be seen as different no matter you do ( ie, md5,
sha1 ) because it will have different contents.

> - randomize build order
> - timedout jobs
> It's not a trivial problem but imho distribute tools advantages
> (price, scalability, availability ...) should be seriously considered.
> Has a single build system in a single datacenter should be a single
> point of failure.

there will be a single point of failure, no matter you do :

There is a reference vcs, and a single job dispatcher. We can maybe
double them or work around issues but this would lead to more complexity
which may not really compensate a potential datacenter problem.

Fedora had been compromised once and had to shut down their
infrastructure, or had to move servers sooner this year, they coped with
the downtime. 

Debian had problem ( like security.debian.org who burned in 2002, or the
famous openssl problem in 2008 ) too, without trouble. 

Launchpad is often down for database upgrade, and still, Ubuntu is

Michael Scherer

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