[Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

Dale Huckeby spock at evansville.net
Mon Dec 6 00:39:08 CET 2010

On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

> the english language is pretty rich; and i suspect there are quite a few words
> that could convey the correct meaning without the word being too difficult.
> otoh, there is also the fact that "free" or "core" don't really convey the
> correct meaning at all either and could be quite dubious.
> patented would be more correct, but i don't wanna call it that, because then
> mageia would be sued by patent-lawyers all over the world. don't get me wrong,
> it wouldn't be illegal, but it would just be too timeconsuming...
> imho, we should have a simple not too difficult word that somehow shows a bit
> about the nature of the contents in it, while still being vague enough.

Okay, short words: iffy, chancy, dicey, knotty, clouded, foggy, hazy, unclear, contro (for controversial),
prob (for problematic), equiv (for equivocal), irreg (for irregular). I like iffy best. It's short, it's
informal, its meaning is clear, yet it's not too narrow.

Dale Huckeby

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