[Mageia-dev] Release cycles proposals, and discussion

Andres Kaaber andres.kaaber at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 09:19:59 CEST 2011

I wold go for the 9 mo cycle (most probably I will use cauldron for
myself ;) ) 9 mo release gives enoug time for developers and its not
so long time (for me, my wifes pregnancy went so quckly :) ) and for
users with a need for a longer support LTS. I dont remember who said
it but I liked the idea that we decide wich release will be LTS.
Another thing ... for me A new "release" devides into two. First -
upgraded software, KDE, GNOME, LibO, kernel etc. software that is not
made by Mageia developers and second software that is made by Mageia
developers drak* etc. For me the real value of distro comes from these
tools wich are made by distro developers. There where lots of Mandriva
releases with no noticeable changes in Mandriva tools. So the 9 mo
release will give more time to make better / bugfree distro specific

A. Kaaber

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