[Mageia-dev] Release cycles proposals, and discussion

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Tue Jun 14 03:05:46 CEST 2011

Le mardi 14 juin 2011 à 02:36 +0200, Bruno Cornec a écrit :
> Michael Scherer said on Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:31:46AM +0200:
> > And I think we can already decide to release 1 week later if a
> > release_critical bug appears. Fedora 15 for example was 2 weeks late,
> > because they changed the release date twice after having seen some
> > problem (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/15/Schedule ).
> I think that the level of flexibility that is really useful. Fixing a
> target is nice for all projects. Now, if a blocking point happens, it's
> wise to delay a bit.
> I personaly find ridiculous the Ubuntu approach to release at fixed
> dates, whatever happens, becasue it's 11.04, it should be in April 2011
> !! But then their community is just angry because of the lack of
> quality due to that.

They did a push of 2 months in 2006 ( 6.06 instead of 6.04 for Dapper
Drake ). But I think that was a isolated change, and Mark Shuttleworth
is pushing for keeping schedule. We were praised because we were not
late too :)

> So maybe what would be interesting is to have something like:
> M1-M8: break and fix cauldron with lots of new stuff.
> M8-M8.5: freeze period. Only bug fixes or HW support improvements goes 
> through or mageia tools. In particular, no new KDE, Gnome, LibreO, FF, 
> ...
> M8.5-M9: test period. Only bugs found there are fixed. As the cauldron
> is closed, people have more time to upgrage with an already stabilized
> distro, to make it really stable at the 9 months date.

Well, that's the plan, with the release date come then the decision
about the freeze period, even if we got mixed signals here :
- we want longer freeze because that mean less bugs
- we also see that people always want to have freeze exception because
bugfixing is less fun that adding feature :)

So that warrant also another discussion ( even if I think the current
division is fine, but it could be adapted if the release model is
different ).
Michael Scherer

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