[Mageia-dev] Summary of last meeting

Anne nicolas ennael1 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 23:52:06 CET 2011

Hi there

So we had our first 2011 meeting tonight. You will find logs and
minutes on http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-dev/2011/mageia-dev.2011-01-05-20.02.html.

Here are the main topics and actions:

1 - starting importing packages
build system is not all ready yet but packages import in Mageia svn
can start. As planned in previous meeting, people who had packager
account in Mandriva Minux, will receive an email with all information
so that they can start work on this.

2 - start mentoring
Mentoring should start with packagers who did not have packager
account but are experienced already so that we can grow team quickly.
They will be listed on wiki, so do potential mentors.
#mageia-mentoring is a dedicated chan for all those who  would like to
become packagers and want some help on packaging.

3 - Mageia policies
shikamaru send a mail to summarize the work, and what should be done
precisely and provide a wiki page so that we can follow work on it.
Work is going on but needs more help, especially from packagers
(explain why policies are existing)



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