[Mageia-dev] [changelog] [RPM] cauldron core/release kwallet-4.9.2-1.mga3

Malo pierre-malo.denielou at rhul.ac.uk
Mon Oct 22 11:48:21 CEST 2012

On 22/10/12 06:31, Nicolas Lécureuil wrote:
>> That used to happen on release installs from iso on mdv (or maybe mdk ?)
>> Which I found frustrating before I realised that, since deselecting
>> everything in one group would deselect the packages involved from all
>> other groups.  But it was ok once I realised what was happening.
>> (It would just be a good idea to warn users.)
> i don't understand

He is mentioning the package selection tool found in the installer, 
which sorts packages based on their .desktop categories as far as I can 
tell (which mean that they can appear in several categories).


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