[Mageia-dev] fdisk or gparted

Richard Couture rrc at LinuxCabal.org
Fri Oct 26 01:33:55 CEST 2012

It worked!

Hopefully in MGA-3 it won't be necessary to use Fedora or Windoze to 
install on HUGE disks ( <2.5TB ) <Grin>

On another note, I'm getting used to system-D and I note that inittab is 
more or less useless.

I am trying to set my machine, MGA-2, to boot without graphics until 
such time as I uninstall Xorg.
  systemctl disable dm.service tells me that there is no such service.
  chkconfig calls systemctl ...
changing the S52dm link in /etc/rc5.d to K30dm still gives me graphics 
on subsequent boots.
init 3 after boot completion kills graphics.

How do I tell the system that yes graphics are installed and NO I don't 
want to see them on boot??????



On 10/25/2012 05:15 PM, Pascal Terjan wrote:
> 2012/10/25 Richard Couture<rrc at linuxcabal.org>:
>> So I can use Fedora 17 to partition a new GPT array of 9 Terras and then use
>> Mageia to install???
> Yes
>> Are we planning on using something that can do it all from Mageia soon??
> There is nothing to "use", it's a matter of changing the user
> interface to give the user the choice between GPT and DOS on blank
> disks

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Ing. Richard Couture
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