[Mageia-dev] Notes about live CD

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 27 00:40:27 CEST 2012

2012/10/27 JA Magallón <jamagallon at ono.com>:
> On 10/26/2012 12:54 PM, Olivier Blin wrote:
>> JA Magallón <jamagallon at ono.com> writes:
>>> - the installer asks to remove the unused harware support, but the
>>>    wording for the choice is misleading:
>>>         [  ] Unsued hardware support
>>>    What does it really mean if I tick this, I want to keep the unused
>>>    hw support or to remove it ?
>> The text reads this way:
>> We will remove the following packages, unless you choose otherwise:
>> [  ] Unused hardware support
>> [  ] Unused localization
> Oops, sorry for the late answer.
> In the live _CD_, I saw no choice for localization, I think it is
> because it only includes english ? The live DVD has both marks to check.
> I will rephrase it as:
> There is some soft installed by default that is not needed in your
> current setup. Mark them if you want it to be removed now:
>     [  ] Unused hardware support
>     [  ] Unused localizations
> --
> J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()ono!com>        \               Winter is
> coming...

As it is now the user has to read the whole thing (first the leading
sentence, then the options, then put both in a meaningful relation)
before he can decide what to do. Our goal was always to make it as
simple as reasonable for the user to understand what we exactly mean.
So why not write in the options what is really done?

Some installed packages (hardware and language support) may not be
needed on your computer.
[ ] Check to remove unused hardware support
[ ] Check to remove unused language support

Here the option tells exactly and with no room for misunderstanding in
one line what it is doing when checked or unchecked.


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