[Mageia-discuss] Install Mageia from Windows

DjeZAeL djezael at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 17:50:32 CEST 2010

Le 09/10/2010 17:46, Dimitrios Glentadakis a écrit :
> My pov for wubi is negative. I ve never tried it but i think if a user
> knows how to install windows he is able to install linux too. And wubi
> shows the wrong way of Linux. I dont know what do you think about but
> i did nt like it since the first day i heard of it.
> --
> Dimitrios Glentadakis
> 2010/10/9, Adrien Touminet<worldmania at free.fr>:
>>    Hello everyone !
>> Is there any plans to make an installer Windows =>  Mageia (like wubi for
>> ubuntu) ? Migration would be easier for a newby, so what do you think
>> about that ?
>> cordially

Please avoid top-posting...

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