[Mageia-discuss] Linux is a KERNEL not an OS

Richard Couture rrc at linuxcabal.org
Wed Mar 2 16:14:33 CET 2011

 >> I would propose that if you wish to do it right, to first do it 
right from
 >> a mageia point of view. IE, that you should first post
 >> on the proper ml ( ie one dedicated to web, or marketing, I would 
start by
 >> marcom ). [...]

Which is the proper ML. I thought that this one was a general purpose 
list. Sorry about the off topic... If you can point me in the proper 
direction ....

 >> Second, if you really want to do it right, you should IMHO start with a
 >> patch, [...]

If and when a change is deemed to be in order I would be most pleased to 
volunteer to rewrite the Web pages in accordance with the agreed upon specs

 > As a side note:
 > I met RMS when he held a speech in Frankfurt. He told me that he will
 > not visit Linuxtag (nor reply to an invitation for a key note) until
 > they change the event's name to "GNU/Linuxtag". I mention this to show
 > his commitment about this point.

If we choose  to refer to the whole shooting match by the name of Linux 
without mention of GNU we will forfeit any and all positive 
acknowledgment of the FSF.


LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
Ing. Richard Couture
HP/Compaq ASE
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