[Mageia-discuss] List of arguments pro Mageia

Juergen Harms Juergen.Harms at unige.ch
Sat Apr 30 18:19:34 CEST 2011

Does a list exist which enumerates arguments in favour of selecting 
Mageia when choosing a Linux distribution? - a vademecum for Mageia 
addicts for proselyte making.

When advocating Mageia, it would be nice not to have to invent  the same 
list somebody else compiled a couple of days ago, just for himself, and 
would be nice to know the striking arguments oneself did not think about.

I just saw on our Linux ML in the university a debate (k)Ubuntu or Mint 
or ... - nice occasion to drop the good message. I think the present 
time is an excellent moment: even if the distro says "only for testing", 
Beta is mature for production - anticipate the campaign certainly 
planned for the official launch by an "insider campaign". Some 
organising of spreading the gospel will certainly help.

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