[Mageia-discuss] ipv6 tunnel software

Balcaen John mikala at mageia.org
Fri Jun 10 20:40:31 CEST 2011

Le vendredi 10 juin 2011 09:46:15, Jim Whitby a écrit :
> For anyone who has attempted/used gogo6 ( freenet6 ) tunnel program.
> *If* you have a problem running as a router.
> The anomaly is that there isn't a user named radvd and a dir named 
> /var/run/radvd owned by radvd.
> This almost drove me nuts for a over a week.
> I'd really like to see this packaged for Mga.
You want to a package for freenet6 ? or radvd? (which is already available)


Balcaen John
Jabber ID: mikala at jabber.littleboboy.net

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