[Mageia-discuss] A possible risk ?

nicolas vigier boklm at mars-attacks.org
Wed Feb 8 19:23:58 CET 2012

On Wed, 08 Feb 2012, Renaud (Ron) Olgiati wrote:

> On Wednesday 08 Feb 2012 11:57 my mailbox was graced by a message from nicolas 
> vigier who wrote:
> > It's not clear if we are talking about installing updates only, or
> > upgrading to a new version of the distribution. 
> In my case, which started this thread, it was an update that hosed the system.
> > Installing updates is supposed to be safe and can be allowed by default 
> > with user password. 
> In this case it caused KDE to crash at start of session.
> > But upgrading to a new distribution is more dangerous and should
> > probably only be allowed with root password.
> Update was bad enough, and should not be allowed to user either  ;-3)

The problem is the bad update, not that it was allowed without root
password. Updates should not hose the system, and that's why there is a
policy on no new versions in update when possible, and qa tests.

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