[Mageia-discuss] page of Mageia in wikipedia (in english) has been deleted

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Sat May 19 14:24:12 CEST 2012

2012/5/19 P. Christeas <xrg at linux.gr>:
> On Friday 18 May 2012, Johnny A. Solbu wrote:
>> On Friday 18 May 2012 19:42, Dimitrios Glentadakis wrote:
>> > There is a doubt of Mageia existence ?
>> There is no-one who doubth that it exists. The fact that something exist is
>> largely irrelevant when determening whether something belongs in
>> wikipedia. The importantfactor is, is it notable.
> Well, if that's the problem, why not find sources of citation, then?
>  - The article of French association (legal existence)
>  - discussions in Linux magazines
>  - the presence in FOSDEM 2011, 2012
>  - the presence/invitations in Linux expos.
>  etc.

The guy (or gal) who decided about notable or not must be either a
very bad researcher or did not try at all - I suppose it is the latter
because even if you look with half an eye only you can't miss
international reactions and notablility of Mageia. Of course wikipedia
pages in other languages must be very hard to find for this person.

We should gather all occurrences of "Mageia" on the web (excluding the
mageia sites of course) and insert this list of a few hundred URLs
into the discussion page.
Listing them at Mageia doesn't seem to help - there are already lots
of reviews in many languages listed on the press page.

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