[Mageia-i18n] Wanted: New Team Leader i18n

Cazacu Bogdan cazacu.bogdan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 09:52:02 CEST 2011

I'm sorry to hear that wobo. I hope that you'll get well soon...

Romanian i18n team

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang Bornath <molch.b at googlemail.com>
Sent: 16 aprilie 2011 09:58
To: List dedicated to internationalisation issues <mageia-i18n at mageia.org>
Subject: [Mageia-i18n] Wanted: New Team Leader i18n

Hi all,

sometimes reality does not match the wishes of people
(yes, I dropped 5 Euros into the plattitude box).

I am afraid I have to resign from my position as i18n team leader.
I want to propose Oliver (obgr_seneca) as appointed i18n team leader
but this is certainly subject to discussion of the whole team.

To Keep It Small and Simple:

Unfortunately the condition of my health has changed for the worse and
currently I am in medical treatment for a longer period. I will see
good times and also bad times, which is quite normal for this. I will
of course continue to help and do my best for Mageia. I will continue
working as member of the German i18n team, I will participate in
meetings and in the forum, but this will also depend on daily
condition. IMO this is not enough to meet the demands as team leader,
coordinator, motivator, etc.

I want to thank you all for your friendly cooperation, your motivation
and the trust you put in me.


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