[Mageia-i18n] Transifex access

Rémi Verschelde remi at verschelde.fr
Mon May 21 14:46:30 CEST 2012

2012/5/11 Pablo Foche <pablo.foche at gmail.com>:
> How can I get access to tx for helping with esperanto translations?
> Would be useful if I translate the website?
> Thanks in advance

Hi Pablo, sorry for the delay!

At the moment our instance of Tx is not really reliable, and we are
thinking about using another software/translation process. But with
the release of Mageia 2, these questions are on hold so that we can
focus on translating the blog posts and websites.

It would be useful to translate the website, indeed. There have been a
few mails about it on this ML lately, but I can't say exactly what
should be done and how. I'll try to define the website translation
process clearly when I have the time to do so (unless someone does it
before me).

Rémi / Akien

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