[Mageia-sysadm] Login blacklist on identity

Thomas Backlund tmb at iki.fi
Thu Feb 10 16:05:41 CET 2011

Michael Scherer skrev 10.2.2011 17:01:
> Le jeudi 10 février 2011 à 16:34 +0200, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
>> Michael Scherer skrev 10.2.2011 16:28:
>>> Hi,
>>> While thinking about setting email alias, I realized that if we are
>>> gonna offer alias to various people, we should maybe forbid certain
>>> login to be registered, like press, contact, president so they do not
>>> clash in the future.
>>> Is there anything to add on that list :
>>>    contact   ->   already used on the current website
>>>    press     ->   the same
>>>    president ->   could be nice to have
>>>    secretary ->   ditto
>>>    treasurer ->   ditto
>>> security ?
>> yep
>> and:
>> kernel
>> kde
>> gnome
> Why ?
> Each alias we add is a exception somewhere, each exception is just one
> more hurdle in automation.
> If the goal is to work around bugzilla lack of multiple maintainers, a
> more generic solution should be found ( like $package at maint.$domain
> aliases ) instead of doing everything by hand. And so using a different
> namespace for that.

Thats a great idea.

>> i18n
> there is already a ml on mailman, and newer ml on sympa will be hosted
> on a different domain to avoid naming clash .


>> founder
>> board
>> council
> there is already planned mls for that, no need to have aliases
> ( especially since the ml are planned to be managed from ldap, see
> private_list and restricted_list on
> http://svnweb.mageia.org/adm/puppet/modules/sympa/manifests/init.pp?revision=758&view=markup ).



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