[Mageia-sysadm] Installing and using mgarepo on 2010.1

nicolas vigier boklm at mars-attacks.org
Thu Jan 6 18:05:06 CET 2011


mgarepo is the new name for repsys on Mageia. On Mandriva 2010.1 you can
install it using the following repository :

To install :
# urpmi.addmedia mageiatools http://repository.mageia.org/mageiatools/2010.1/i586/core/release/
# urpmi mgarepo

The command to use is still repsys (for now, maybe it will change later).

To import a new package :
$ repsys import package.src.rpm

The text files and tarballs are now split between two repositories.
- The spec files and text files are located in :
- The binary files are in :

Using the command "repsys co" it will checkout files from both
repositories, and add symlinks between SOURCES and SOURCES-bin files :
$ repsys co packagename

When you need to add a new binary file, put it in the SOURCES directory
and use the upload command to upload it to the binary repository :
$ wget http://frites.com/file.tar.bz2
$ repsys upload file.tar.bz2

Delete is not working at the moment, but when it is fixed, you should be
able to use the "repsys del" command.

mdvsys is not supported on Mageia at the moment.

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