[Mageia-sysadm] Mass rebuild

Christiaan Welvaart cjw at daneel.dyndns.org
Thu Jan 10 19:20:25 CET 2013

On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, AL13N wrote:

> also, do we need to fix all the AM_CONFIG_HEADER into AC_CONFIG_HEADERS
> manually?

Feel free to write a script that generates a patch for such a package. But 
you probably still consider that manual fixing.

> wouldn't it be nice if we can just put a sed after %setup automagically?

Of course not, but you can ask for automake to be reverted to 1.12 for 

> i just looked at 4 random failed packages that were unmaintained and all 4
> had this issue (eg: pacemaker)

Have you fixed them? I don't think there are that many automake failures 
anymore, compared to the total number of not buildable packages at least.


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