[Mageia-dev] How will be the realese cycle?

Ahmad Samir ahmadsamir3891 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 04:52:38 CEST 2010

On 2 October 2010 04:26, David W. Hodgins <davidwhodgins at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 20:27:00 -0400, André Machado <afmachado at dcemail.com>
> wrote:
>> However, is that only one version per year - with updates of course - it
>> would
>> be best for you?
> Another option, that just occurred to me. Rolling updates until
> there is an update to something like glibc, that requires the
> bulk of the rpm packages to need rebuilding.  Then, and only
> then, create a new iso/release, rather then using a set
> schedule.
> Regards, Dave Hodgins

That won't provide consistent release cycle/intervals. Better go with
the 2 release/year model.

The argument hasn't changed, the various components included in any
Linux distro change too fast now, a release every 6 month appears to
me to be the best way to go at the moment.

Ahmad Samir

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