[Mageia-dev] Audio Warning: New PulseAudio test release on the way....

Kira elegant.pegasus at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 13:36:02 CEST 2011

在 Wed, 03 Aug 2011 18:29:10 +0800, Colin Guthrie  
<mageia at colin.guthr.ie>寫道:>
> Worrying!
> Is this localized at all? If so what language?
Traditional Chinese...Sorry...

It means sampling cache size: 0B

> Can you supply:
> sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*

/dev/snd/controlC0:  kira    3001  F.... kde4
		     kira	3216  F.... kmix
/dev/snd/pcmC0D1p:   kira	3695  F...m amarok

> and
> pulseaudio -k; pulseaudio -vvvvv
1. E: main.c: unable to terminate background program: No such process  

2. as in the attachment, but still some localized message inside. Sorry.

> output? (for the second one, you may have to do:
> echo "autospawn=no" >> ~/.pulse/client.conf
> in order for it to actually start on the command line and not be
> autospawned by something else!)
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