[Mageia-dev] [135989]

John Balcaen mikala at mageia.org
Tue Aug 30 12:04:36 CEST 2011

2011/8/29 Zé <mmodem00 at gmail.com>:
> 2011/8/30 Zé <mmodem00 at gmail.com>:
>>>>  %if %with_java
>>>> -BuildRequires: java-rpmbuild
>>>> +BuildRequires: java-devel
>>>>  BuildRequires: chrpath
>>>>  %endif
>>> This is stupid.
> The problem was that i didnt saw the part in the end about the
> problems of the GCJ/Jamvm alternatives.
> So this i imediatly reverted.


>>>>  Conflicts: soprano-devel < 4:2.6.51-2
>>>>  Suggests: soprano-plugin-virtuoso = %{epoch}:%version
>>>> @@ -55,8 +52,8 @@
>>>>  %defattr(-,root,root)
>>>>  %_bindir/sopranocmd
>>>>  %_bindir/sopranod
>>>> -%dir %_datadir/soprano
>>>> -%_datadir/soprano/rules
>>>> +%dir %_datadir/soprano/
>>> I guess i forgot the the purpose of %dir so could you explain me the difference
>>> between %dir %datadir/soprano & %dir %datadir/soprano/ ?
> You didnt paste it complectly, but if is a dir could be better to have
> the / in the end to have it diferentiated:
> so the correct diff is:
> -%dir %_datadir/soprano
> -%_datadir/soprano/rules
> +%dir %_datadir/soprano/
> +%_datadir/soprano/rules/
> this way no one thinks that %_datadir/soprano/rules/ is a file,
> like you had %_datadir/soprano/rules  that can lead some to think its a file
So %dir before is useless ?
Because from what i read here (
which is what you're always referring for)
%dir is something quite explicit ...
the example is even more explicit.
So again you're changing something because *you* have the thruth and
that we're wrong...

Balcaen John
Jabber-id: mikala at jabber.littleboboy.net

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