[Mageia-dev] [packages-commits] [169631] Updated to 2.5beta1 (2.4.90), and Obsoletes: amarok-scripts as it isn't included anymore with this version

John Balcaen mikala at mageia.org
Sun Nov 20 03:28:43 CET 2011

2011/11/19 John Balcaen <mikala at mageia.org>:
> 2011/11/19  <root at mageia.org>:
>> Revision 169631 Author juancho Date 2011-11-20 03:10:59 +0100 (Sun, 20 Nov
> [...]
>> +Obsoletes: amarok-scripts
>> -Obsoletes: amarok-scripts < 3:2.4.3-2
> [...]
> It's far better to keep the versionnate :
> - you don't know if sometimes someone won't ressurect it .
> - we'll be able to track the version & eventually remove it when
> mageia 1 won't be supported anymore for upgrade.
Btw there's at least a warning regarding obsolete without versionate
in rpmlint so :p

Balcaen John
Jabber-id: mikala at jabber.littleboboy.net

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