[Mageia-dev] [Bug 1050] unable to read mp3 with KDE-liveCD beta2 : possible solutions

Balcaen John mikala at mageia.org
Tue Oct 11 11:53:08 CEST 2011

Le mardi 11 octobre 2011 11:38:31 José Jorge a écrit :
> ----- "Balcaen John" <mikala at mageia.org> a écrit :
> > and why should you force an user to use only gstreamer backend when he
> > might
> > want to use for example the vlc backend ?
> This will not force : one can still choose the backend he wants when more
> than one is installed!
If you're adding a requires you're forcing the user to have this package 
installed in all case and then you're adding uncessary requirements to a 
package like amarok.

Balcaen John
Jabber-id: mikala at jabber.littleboboy.net

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