[Mageia-dev] Add i18n-zh_tw at ml.mageia.org to bug CC list?

andre999 andre999mga at laposte.net
Fri Oct 14 13:59:54 CEST 2011

Remco Rijnders a écrit :
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 02:26:16AM -0400, andre999 wrote in 
> <4E97D608.2040600 at laposte.net>:
>> You-Cheng Hsieh a écrit :
>>> Is it possible to add a mailing list to bug CC list?
>> Your problem was a bit of a challenge, so I found a solution.
>> Of course, if sysadmin would make changes allowing you to forward to 
>> the list, that would be easier for you, but more complicated for 
>> sysadmin.
> <...>
> Hi Andre,
> While I admire your creativity in coming up with this work around, I 
> do feel it is a

That's half the fun of computer field :-)

> hack that's not really needed. For example, mageia-i18n or 
> sysadmin-bugs are addresses that can be assigned bugs even when they 
> are not registered users.

There must be some sort of exceptions coded, since apparently the 
mailing lists reject messages not coming from mailing list subscibers.  
Presumably the same thing could be done for the CC field.  No idea how 
much coding would be involved.

> At the moment such changes require action by the sysadm team. Perhaps 
> it would be possible to allow the bugsquad team leader to carry out 
> this action?

I suspect that the exceptions are hard-coded (and not some value entered 
in a field).
If so, it wouldn't be advisable for someone outside of admin to play 
with the code.
Although from the user side, it certainly would be nice if the bug team 
leaders could handle such changes.
> Regards,
> Remco



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