[Mageia-dev] Re : Re : E17 packaging

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Mon Oct 31 17:16:00 CET 2011

Le lundi 31 octobre 2011 à 12:40 +0000, Philippe Reynes a écrit :
> Hi all,
> If you talk about this page : 
> http://www.mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=updates_policy&s[]=update&s[]=policy
> I think that I'm the stupid guy. I don't really understand where is
> the issue with 
> this page and e17. 

Ok so there is a bug to fix in e17, what do you do ?

Or a security issue like the one I found ( and that should be fixed I
hope soon, after reporting it 3 times upstream ).

if the answer is "we ship a newer snapshot who requires to rebuild
everything regarding e17 because there is no guarantee of binary
stability ( ie, ABI wise ) and that will introduce unwanted changes",
then the problem is here. 

Unless the snapshot are bugfixes only ( and they are not ), that's a
problem. That's already annoying to have to do it for chrome, firefox
and thunderbird to not happily increase our burden with a whole desktop

So far, I have asked the question 3 times. No one answered at all.

Also, please do not top post. 

Michael Scherer

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