[Mageia-dev] [135989]
mmodem00 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 01:46:17 CEST 2011
2011/8/31 Balcaen John <mikala at mageia.org>:
> Le mercredi 31 août 2011 18:27:26, Zé a écrit :
>> 2011/8/30 John Balcaen <mikala at mageia.org>:
> [...]
>> The changes i made in kdelibs, that binaries in kde are only for
>> development so i moved them to devel package and were reverted.
>> Like dmorgan said all coomits i do even if were good commits would be
>> reverted if not reviewed by you, that was some he just invented and
>> that i never agreed.
>> And as we agreed, only important changes should be discussed like it
>> happened with the improvemenet i was planing to do to Qt.
> The problem here is that *you* 're deciding own your own what is important to
> discuss & what is not...
>> >> You were also who started doing all by own way, you didnt discuss with
>> >> me anychanges, for example the changes you made in wiki.
>> >> For example you add severall items to Golds section without discussing
>> >> any, they should be first added as proposals so that could be first
>> >> discussed in a meeing.
>> >
>> > Because thoses changes/proposal where *already* decided *before* you even
>> > come to KDE, i simply wrote them down.
>> > Of course that does not mean that we won't change the goal after, it is
>> > not like it was written in the stone... it's a *wiki*...
>> Thats not quite true, since for example i suggested that the lib
>> packages could start being named only with a underscore instead
>> dashes, and you acted like that was already decided, seams you were
>> the only one who decided.
> Maybe you can check how others librairies in others packages are named before
> saying that i decided on my own to use underscore...
> [...]
>> I never acted like kde was mine, there were some commits i made in the
>> begining but i remember we did had a conversation and i start
>> discussing things,
>> and as we agreeed discussing important things, as
>> for the rest i think is preferable to just not comment...
> So could you explain now why you still continue in this way by changing things
> without asking...
> But i guess it's not only for kde because i noticed you suddenly start
> obsoleting kernel-firmware-extra without even asking to tmb if it was a good
> solution...
No, this was discussed in irc why i was needed to pull up
kernel-firmware-extra again.
> From your point of view again it was good enough so you did not take your time
> to discuss with someone else at least with the kernel maintainer for this kind
> of stuff
> This *the* problem with you, you simply refuse to talk about your commits
> because you are too confident with your changes...
> [...]
>> And again seams your putting words in my mouth, like i liked you to
>> leave...
> What should i think then if you keep doing things when i'm not agree with ?
>> >> I think if we continued as a team without dmorgan interventions we
>> >> would continue in the right path for Mageia grow and stability.
>> >
>> > I would better say that it would be better *without* you until you're
>> > okay to discuss your changes
>> > before commiting them or *even* better as i said in a previous private
>> > email *TEST THEM* locally
>> > by building them in a iurt chroot (& yes i already sent you the
>> > documentation i used to create my
>> > iurt repository locally) instead of commiting & fixing build errors by
>> > submitting it in the BS.
>> Yes, i tend to agree that at that time you didnt had others
>> contributing or that could have a more active role and that always
>> never disagree of your ideas, and all was like you wanted, wrongly or
>> not. As i remember for example fixing severall things wrong in qt
>> spec, many existing requires(pre) when there wasnt any %pre section.
> I'm quite sorry but the majority of my changes were discussed with others (aka
> ahmad,ennael,coling & dmorgan) & some of them where also rejected by ennael
> for example...
> I also ask for specific help regarding packaging to dmorgan (since he's the rpm
> maintainer) but sometimes also ask help to my old mentor neoclust in mandriva
> so no i did do changes for my own satisfaction ....
>> > So in summary please don't target anyone else when you're the culprit
>> > with your attitude.
>> > Again that does not mean that all your commits are wrong but sometimes
>> > you changed the behavior
>> > simply because you think it's better, for example recently you add a
>> > patch on kdeutils (
>> > http://svnweb.mageia.org/packages/cauldron/kdeutils4/current/SPECS/kdeuti
>> > ls4.spec?r1=128724&r2=134478 ) to remove a simple rm -rf in a spec.
>> > Is it wise to patch (& maintain a patch because i'm not sure you
>> > submitted it upstream) when we can simply remove thoses files in the
>> > spec ?
>> Yes, thats the correct way to build kdeutils without printer_applet,
>> not just removing files, but i think that patch will be submited
>> upstream.
> Maybe you did not read me...
> I strictly did not write or say that thoses changes were wrong, but that it
> was not discussed at all *even* if they are correct because from what i just
> read you did not submit the patch upstream...
> Again it's because you think it's the right thing to do you're doing it
> without even discussing it with me at least...
But i really do not get this, you only picj with the few commits i
did, why you havent point all others undiscussed commits?
And this wasnt discussed mainly due to your actions and the things you
said along with dmorgan.
I never heard you discussing any, and im already here for some time.
>> That was already done after you started with that behaviour, but i
>> also never see you discussing any change you made.
>> Thats true, you never discuss any change, at least i never saw it.
>> If theres a kde team, you and all kde members should discuss things,
>> and maybe reach some agreement about whats really important to
>> discuss, if dicuss all or just discuss more important changes, since
>> discussing all can also delays development.
> because you're not always around in #mageia-kde or #mageia-dev...
> I did asked you to join first this channel if you want to join/help on #mageia-
> kde, didn't i ?
Yes and i did join those channels.
> I'm exchanging mails with luc & dmorgan...
> When i did somes changes in mageia-theme package, there was first a bug report
> for having mageia theme available in KDE even if i was able to simply commit
> in svn i first report the patch for the spec in the bugzilla, and i asked
> ennael's opinion about this when it was just a *minor* stuff affecting only
> *kde* where i'm the maintainer... That's how i work in a team & this only what
> i need you to do and asked you already to do but you're still refusing it
> arguing that « only » important changes should be done when you're the only
> one to decide what is important & what is not... That's the problem & only one
> problem i've got with you but you still do not understand i guess & refuse to
> comply to my suggestions...
> Anyway it seems we won't be able to resolve this either in private or in
> public and i *really* doubt i will be able to work with you since we're not
> agree at all about commit's stuff..
> There's also the fact that others peoples on the mailing list should not be
> affected by thoses dicusssions so it ends here for me.
> I'll wait for the discussion with you and ennael to put a definitive end on
> this.
The main point here was how your attitude changed from a certain day.
You started rising tone everytime i didnt agree, like you owned kde
and i was forced to follow your ideas.
Even with Qt you were already against when i didnt said how i was
planing to disable webkit, and remember that until this point i always
discucsed things.
For the rest i dont think worth comment, you must remember i always
talked with you untill you started rising your tone and dmorgan
appearing and done things and using his sysadmin hat like he used to
Like i suggested in the last thread we should have a meeting to talk
all about this, so that we could reach a consensus but so far you only
have been repeating things in ML's and bashing instead we could all
talk and not call dmorgen to do this or that, you havent listen
nothing of what i asked.
And i only came today answer to things you have said since i saw it
was too much, but you keep insisting instead talking like i have
*severall* times asked.
Please listen, i dont want to fight or bash no one, could we set a
meeting to finally talk and stop with this?
It would much more productive if we could all use our efforts to
develop instead other things.
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