[Mageia-dev] Contributors using real name/working email? or not? or maybe?

Remy CLOUARD shikamaru at mandriva.org
Sat Mar 5 10:00:54 CET 2011

On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 10:05:02AM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Thursday, 3 March 2011 22:43:25 Maarten Vanraes wrote:
> > I think we need to have a name and email address. however, some options:
> > 
> > 
> > A. possibly "cn" could be editable in identity
> Please stop referring to possibilities that exist as if they don't ... it is 
> depressing that people keep assuming things don't work, when one has put 
> effort into making them work ...
> (IOW, if users should *not* be able to edit cn, then there is one 
> configuration entry to edit)
I just tried, it works, thanks for your work.
> > C. how about we make <packagename>@packages.mageia.org, which could use the
> > maintainers database to forward the email to maintainers (in case of more)
> > (this could also be a packagegroup. eg: firefox at packages.mageia.org could
> > refer to maintainers of firefox, xulrunner, etc...) (this option might
> > just be too complex)
> /me notes that this might be easier done in LDAP, as a postfix alias map. 
> Which begs the question ... should the maintainer "database" be in LDAP 
> instead?
> (BTW., I was thinking along the lines of package groups, with multi-valued 
> attribute for package name and maintainer. e.g.:
> dn: cn=firefoxteam,ou=Packages,dc=mageia,dc=org
> objectClass: mageiaPackageGroup
> cn: firefox-team
> mail: firefox at packages.mageia.org
> mageiaPackage: firefox
> mageiaPackage: firefox-en_gb
> mageiaPackage: firefox-ext-firebug
> ....
> mageiaMaintainer: foo at mageia.org
> mageiaMaintainer: bar at mageia.org
> owner: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org

That sounds like a very good idea indeed, combine this with the
signed-off-by line [1] and it could be a very good workflow.

wether that signed-off-by line is added automatically with what’s in
LDAP or added manually is another debate.

Adding it automatically might not be easy, unless we’re moving to git
(which might not be a simple change either)
Adding it manually would allow one to decide what he’d like to use.
> Regards,
> Buchan

[1] https://mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-dev/20110303/002910.html

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