[Mageia-dev] R: Re: looking for developer to create a packager to online update from mandriva to mageia

marcello.anni at alice.it marcello.anni at alice.it
Fri Apr 22 15:03:19 CEST 2011

----Messaggio originale----
Da: ennael at mageia.org
Data: 22-apr-2011 13.50
A: "Mageia development mailing-list"<mageia-dev at mageia.org>
Ogg: Re: [Mageia-dev] looking for developer to create a packager to online update from mandriva to mageia

2011/4/22 marcello.anni at alice.it <marcello.anni at alice.it>:
> hi,
> i'm looking for some developers/testers who are interested in creating a
> simply rpm package that should installed in mandriva 2010.2 system (that
> doesn't work in previous releases) that:
> - remove mandriva sources
> - add mageia sources
> - start mageiaupdate (or the equivalent of mandrivaonline)
> reference: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=886
> possible implementation (quick proposal of tmb):
> * urpmi –auto-update path would be an online update
> * maybe a patched mdkonline could be provided too for separate download
> is there any person who is interested in it?  thank you

Please stop this kind of mail... We are already preparing mdkonline on
that purpose. Wait for it to be ready

> cheers,
> Marcello


i don't understand you, anne... wasn't you that told me:
 "Find more people for it then. Otherwise wait for it to be ready"

i was only doing that. if mdkonline is in a preparation phase you should use: 

"We are working on mdkonline adapted for this specific case", not 
"We should use mdkonline adapted for this specific case", because this way i understand only a proposal, nothing concrete.


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