[Mageia-dev] Looking for a mentor

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Tue Jun 7 22:21:26 CEST 2011

Le mardi 07 juin 2011 à 20:19 +0200, Matteo a écrit :
> On 07/06/2011 18:53, Michael Scherer wrote:
> > Le mardi 07 juin 2011 à 18:35 +0200, Matteo a écrit :
> > 
> >> thank you Nicolas,
> >> you can find my small rpm at http://www.mageia.it/rpms
> >> At the moment axel-2.4-1.i586.rpm contains only the command line tool;
> >> no kapt (the gui) into the package, I removed it from the upstream
> >> tarball because I think it would be better to build a separate package
> >> for that one, am I right?
> > 
> > If it is in the tarball, what should be done is a subpackage rather than
> > 2 srpms. 
> > 
> > Thi way, you can update both in one round.
> Yes, this was my intention, because I've seen a similar solution for the
> gambas2 package. Thank you, any suggestion is really welcome :-)

Ok so reading the spec : 
- for versioning, you should use %mkrel 
Release:        %mkrel %{release}

so this way, the macro will add the proper version ( used for
backporting, etc )

- why such complex construct : 
%setup -q -a 0 %{?source_folder:-n %{source_folder}}
should %setup be enough ?
I guess that's due to the repackaging ( that we should try to avoid, as
tarball verification is impossible, and as this is often something we
can overlook when updating the package ( especially with automated tool
like mdvsys ).

- you should use %configure here instead of ./configure :
./configure --etcdir=%{_sysconfdir} --bindir=%{_bindir} --mandir=
%{_mandir} --i18n=1

%configure will enforce some of our compilation flag.

- and %make :
make %{?_smp_mflags}

Michael Scherer

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