[Mageia-dev] Freeze push request: uhd and gnuradio

Barry Jackson zen25000 at zen.co.uk
Mon Apr 23 13:45:12 CEST 2012

On 21/04/12 20:43, Barry Jackson wrote:
> Please push uhd and gnuradio.
> Note:-
> Make sure uhd is built and updated in repos before pushing gnuradio.
> Reason:-
> A final version of the 3.5.x API of gnuradio was released a week ago. I
> have been working with upstream to fix a bug causing a build fail in
> Mageia since then, and it is now fixed.
> uhd is an update to the current stable and is required by gnuradio.
> Since this technology is cutting edge, users need the latest version and
> to have this in Mageia 2 would be really good.
> Both packages pass all the extensive built-in tests, and I have tested
> as far as I can.
> These packages do not impact anything else.
> Thanks,
> Barry

ping ;)

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