[Mageia-dev] DVD isos content

Damien Lallement mageia at damsweb.net
Wed Apr 25 15:56:44 CEST 2012

Le 25/04/2012 00:05, Manuel Hiebel a écrit :
> Le 24/04/2012 22:46, Anne Nicolas a écrit :
>> Hi there
>> As you may have seen, we have some room left on DVD isos. Please
>> answer this mail if you have some proposals for apps to be added
>> (about 500Mo left) and why we should add it in iso.
>> Cheers
> some missing from the task-gnome:
> - task-gnome
> - baobab
> - gnome-boxes
> - gnome-screenshot
> - gnome-contacts
> - gnome-documents
> - gnome-disk-utility
> - sushi

I would also add:
- icewm (not only icewm-light)
- xli (suggests for xdm)
- simple-scan: listed as a recommended app for GNOME3 by GNOME project.
Damien Lallement
twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin

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