[Mageia-dev] Release blocker bugs

Thomas Backlund tmb at mageia.org
Fri Apr 27 22:27:27 CEST 2012

27.04.2012 22:22, Thomas Backlund skrev:
> 26.04.2012 14:29, Guillaume Rousse skrev:
>> Actually, it's rather something for rpm-mageia-setup, which contains all 
>> other automatic dependencies handlers.
>> Here is a quick prototype, built to be easily extendable in the future 
>> for similar cases.
> Ok, so I still need some help with this...
> adding this to /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/find-requires
> # --- minimum rpm-helper required for systemd.
> [ -x /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpm-helper.req -a -n "$filelist" ] && \
>     echo $filelist | tr '[:blank:]' \\n |
> /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpm-helper.req | sort -u \
>         && test ${PIPESTATUS[2]} -ne 0 && echo 'error:
> /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpm-helper.req failed' >&2 && exit 1
> gives me:
> Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at
> /usr/lib/rpm/mageia/rpm-helper.req line 33, <> line 35.

Ok,so it's this that is failing:

return unless -f $file;

Do I really need that check, as I in the next line specifically check:

return if $file !~ m!/lib/systemd/system/.+\.service$!;


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