[Mageia-dev] Upgrade to KDE 4.7.95 breaks the desktop

Rémi Verschelde remi at verschelde.fr
Sat Jan 21 14:15:00 CET 2012

2012/1/21 Balcaen John <mikala at mageia.org>:
> On Saturday 21 January 2012 13:43:49 Rémi Verschelde wrote :
>> Indeed, I just got my previous desktop back. I was wondering why my 4
>> desktops were displayed in one line today whereas I had them in a 2x2
>> square lately. Now I have the answer, these are my previous settings.
> hum ?
> this strange here  because i did not push kde at all or maybe you did already
> build kde from svn ? :)
> Here i'm talking about an additional panel not about some options on the
> current panel.
Ah? I must be mistaken then. I only do the updates as soon as they are
pushed for Cauldron, so I did not build anything. I just had this
strange feeling about having my desktops previously in a 4x4 square
and in line today, so I thought this was the explanation. But then it
must come from something else (or I am totally making memories up ^^).

Rémi / Akien

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