[Mageia-dev] Too many tmp directories

Colin Guthrie mageia at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Jan 21 20:07:54 CET 2012

'Twas brillig, and Oliver Burger at 21/01/12 17:21 did gyre and gimble:
> Hi,
> while searching for some strange KDE behaviour (see bug 107 about
> those icons), I found at least three different tmp directories:
> /tmp/
> /var/tmp/
> ~/tmp/ (one for every user)
> Now I can understand the reason behind having the user's tmp
> separately, but why do we have two system wide separate tmp
> directories?
> This get's even more complicated by the fact that there are symbolic
> links in .kde4/ to both:
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 oli oli   21 Okt  7 10:34 cache-beteigeuze.oli-home ->
> /var/tmp/kdecache-oli/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 oli oli   16 Okt  7 10:34 socket-beteigeuze.oli-home ->
> /tmp/ksocket-oli/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 oli oli   12 Okt  7 10:34 tmp-beteigeuze.oli-home -> /tmp/kde-oli/

Can you not just symlink /tmp to /var/tmp?



Colin Guthrie

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