[Mageia-dev] k3b MP3 Audio Decoder plugin not found

Colin Guthrie mageia at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jul 18 11:42:35 CEST 2012

'Twas brillig, and Colin Guthrie at 18/07/12 10:20 did gyre and gimble:
> 'Twas brillig, and Simple w at 17/07/12 21:56 did gyre and gimble:
>> 2012/7/17 Nicolas Lécureuil <nicolas.lecureuil at free.fr>:
>>> Le mardi 17 juillet 2012 08:22:00 Nicolas Lécureuil a écrit :
>>>> Le mardi 17 juillet 2012 05:22:05 Simple w a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Everytime i start k3b i get this message:
>>>>> MP3 Audio Decoder plugin not found.
>>>>> K3b could not load or find the MP3 decoder plugin. This means that you
>>>>> will not be able to create Audio CDs from MP3 files. Many Linux
>>>>> distributions do not include MP3 support for legal reasons.
>>>>> Solution: To enable MP3 support, please install the MAD MP3 decoding
>>>>> library as well as the K3b MAD MP3 decoder plugin (the latter may
>>>>> already be installed but not functional due to the missing libmad).
>>>>> Some distributions allow installation of MP3 support via an online
>>>>> update tool.
>>>>> but i have checked and i have lib64mad0 installed, what am i missing?
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> PEdro
>>>> hello,
>>>> Maybe it needs a k3b tainted version.
>>>> I will look on zoneminder spec file to see how to add tainted BR.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Nicolas.
>>> there is already a tainted section in k3b in fact.
>>> which k3b have you installed ?
>> ]$ rpm -qa|grep k3b
>> lib64k3bdevice6-2.0.2-7.mga3.tainted
>> lib64k3blib6-2.0.2-7.mga3.tainted
>> k3b-2.0.2-7.mga3.tainted
>> ]$ rpm -qa|grep lame
>> lib64lame-devel-3.99.5-1.mga2.tainted
>> lame-3.99.5-1.mga2.tainted
>> lib64lame0-3.99.5-1.mga2.tainted
>> lib64twolame0-0.3.13-1.mga2
>> gstreamer0.10-twolame-0.10.19-2.mga2.tainted
>> gstreamer0.10-lame-0.10.19-2.mga2.tainted
>> lib64twolame-devel-0.3.13-1.mga2
>> twolame-0.3.13-1.mga2
>> as you see im using the tainted releases
> And what about libmad as the instructions suggested? Is it installed?
> You will likely need: lib64mad0

Gah I see you said you have that already :p

Check to see if there is a k3b libmad plugin. It sounds like k3b creates
a wrapper around the dynamic loading of libmad. Also you can try
stracing the binary via e.g. strace -e open k3b --nofork to see what
file open calls are tried, doing something more specific like;

strace -e open k3b --nofork 2>&1 | grep mad

might lead to some clues as to what needs fixed.



Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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