[Mageia-dev] bug, omission or feature

Wolfgang Bornath molch.b at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 3 13:40:23 CEST 2012

2012/6/3 Richard Couture <rrc at linuxcabal.org>:
> I am a bit confused by your message... I sent my message with a new and
> unique Subject, How is that considered hijacking a thread? Am I missing the
> point?

I don't see a hijacked thread either.


> Richard
> On 06/03/2012 06:30 AM, Jani Välimaa wrote:
>> On 03.06.2012 14:27, Richard Couture wrote:
>>> I notice that when, at the end of the installation of MGA2, I select the
>>> level of security as HIGH, that I am permitted entry into the system in
>>> Linux Single mode without a challenge password, which is a new, and IMHO
>>> undesirable, behavior from previous versions.
>>> Is this a new feature, or have I stumbled upon a bug?
>>> The /etc/inittab does have ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin in it but I can get
>>> in without a password... Must be something new in system D
>> This is a bit off topic, but please don't hijack threads.
> --
> LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
> Ing. Richard Couture
> Novell CNE, ECNE, MCNE
> HP/Compaq ASE
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