[Mageia-dev] Minimum install of cauldron don't start console

Colin Guthrie mageia at colin.guthr.ie
Tue Mar 6 14:35:33 CET 2012

'Twas brillig, and Olivier Thauvin at 06/03/12 12:38 did gyre and gimble:
>> No text terminal at all? Not on tty2 or 3?
> Indeed, alt + F2 show the login prompt. But before I pressed alt + F2 ps
> was not showing any "*getty" program, a bit confusing, especially since
> there is nothing on first console.

Just to expand on this point.

getty's are started on demand these days. It's done by autovt at .service.

If you want to configure static gettys then you can do so easily enough
(just symlink /lib/systemd/system/getty*.service as
/etc/systemd/systemd/multi-user.target.wants/getty at tty2.service to get a
static getty on tty2.

But if your system is typically a graphical system, then why bother
stating it statically and have it running all the time using resources.
Auto-activation seems fine as a default setup to me.

Now, the problem you seemed to get was that no dm was installed and thus
the /etc/X11/prefdm script reached the end.

IMO we very much DO want to have something done at the end of this
script to give the user some help. This might include stopping
prefdm.service via systemd and starting the tty, or perhaps better,
showing some specific help (either text, or via plymouth or similar).

This is something that I've suggested in a bug, but no feedback on that
idea yet:

Please do add comments on that bug.



Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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