[Mageia-dev] [changelog] [RPM] cauldron nonfree/release get-skype-

Kamil Rytarowski n54 at gmx.com
Thu Mar 8 15:00:13 CET 2012

On 08.03.2012 13:20, Sander Lepik wrote:
> 08.03.2012 14:04, kamil kirjutas:
>> Name        : get-skype                    Relocations: (not 
>> relocatable)
>> - remove noarch tag
>> - add ExclusiveArch tag with value %{ix86}, Skype for Linux is 
>> currently 32-bit only and it needs 32-bit libraries
>>    + sander85<sander85>
>>      - fix some typos
> Skype is pretty popular nowdays. 64-bit systems are pretty popular 
> too, you know. Yes, we had conflict with policy. But in this case i 
> think the policy is the one that must be changed.
Do you want to merge 32-bit and 64-bit software for nonfree and tainted?
> For exeptions like Skype. 
> Or we need to add Nonfree 32 for 64-bit systems which makes a lot less 
> sense to me.
If we add core 32-bit, then why not nonfree 32-bit? Why to bloat our 
servers with pseudo 64-bit packages?
> Or you will start explaining to users again, why we don't have Skype 
> in our distro :(
1. Skype isn't in our distro, just a dummy package.
2. Moving into the right place = not shipping at all?
3. Tagging Skype as noarch is a falsehood. What about the coming ARM? 
What about other 32-bit only software?
> It worked w/o any problems on 64-bit systems. Now we are back in 
> square one.
Every 32-bit software should work without any problems with 64-bit 
systems.. this is not a real argument.
> -- 
> Sander

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