[Mageia-dev] NEEDHELP Bugzilla keyword

Olav Vitters olav at vitters.nl
Wed Mar 14 13:15:01 CET 2012

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:24:17AM +0000, Pascal Terjan wrote:
> Probably
> I would never search for NEEDHELP bugs to see if I can help...

For me it would serve 2 goals:
- Know which bugs need help (in general)
- Have a list of bugs to not look at
  Meaning: if assigned to me and the keyboard NEEDHELP is there, then
  don't look at it, because I just don't know what to do.

So the keyword is also to simplify my "bug list" overview. I don't want
to see the bugs I stumped with until someone assists. Maybe I should add
NEEDINFO I guess (as a "NEEDINFO" on what to do, not "NEEDINFO" from


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