[Mageia-dev] freeze push mgaonline

Dan Fandrich dan at coneharvesters.com
Thu Mar 15 21:07:16 CET 2012

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 03:25:40PM +0100, n54 at gmx.com wrote:
> * stop using Mandriva URLs and replace them by www.mageia.org (mga#1590)
> * replace Mandriva strings by Mageia in gnome-mandrakeonline.desktop
> * replace MIME Type application/x-mdv-exec by application/x-mga-exec

Replacing Mandriva -> Mageia in user-visible text makes sense, but what
exactly is the MIME type used for? If the underlying data format hasn't
changed (whatever it is), then this isn't something that should really be
modified, any more than renaming image/vnd.microsoft.icon to something

>>> Dan

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