[Mageia-dev] Freeze push: whois

Damien Lallement mageia at damsweb.net
Wed May 2 09:23:08 CEST 2012

Please push whois 5.0.16.
- Added the .xn--80ao21a (.ÒÐÐ, Kazakhstan) TLD server.
- Updated the .ec and .ee TLD servers.
- Removed the .xn--mgbc0a9azcg (.ØÙÙØØØ, Morocco) and .xn--mgberp4a5d4ar
(.ØÙØØÙØÙØ, Saudi Arabia) TLD servers.
- Added a new ASN allocation.
- Updated one or more translations.

Damien Lallement
twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin

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