[Mageia-dev] systemd and openvpn
Richard Couture
rrc at LinuxCabal.org
Fri Oct 26 23:36:50 CEST 2012
More fun with systemd
When I try to start my openvpn client with
systemctl restart openvpn.service
I get
[root at AbelLap system]# systemctl restart openvpn.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit openvpn.service failed to load:
Invalid argument. See system logs and 'systemctl status openvpn.service'
for details.
systemctl status openvpn.service
gives me
[root at AbelLap system]# systemctl status openvpn.service
Loaded: error (Reason: Invalid argument)
Active: inactive (dead)
HOWEVER when I go to /etc/init.d and issue the command
[root at AbelLap system]# cd /etc/init.d
[root at AbelLap init.d]# ./openvpn restart
Shutting down openvpn: [ OK ]
Starting openvpn: [ OK ]
everything works fine
Am I being super twit or something?
I am writing a tutorial on openVPN to present to the international
Festival of Free Software in Puerto Vallarta http://www.fslvallarta.org
next week and thought to use MGA to indirectly promote it's use.
LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
Ing. Richard Couture
HP/Compaq ASE
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