[Mageia-dev] [changelog] [RPM] cauldron core/release task-obsolete-3-27.mga3

Olivier Blin mageia at blino.org
Tue Sep 25 12:03:18 CEST 2012

Sander Lepik <sander.lepik at eesti.ee> writes:

> 25.09.2012 01:17, blino kirjutas:
>> Name        : task-obsolete                Relocations: (not relocatable)
>> Version     : 3                                 Vendor: Mageia.Org
>> Release     : 27.mga3                       Build Date: Tue Sep 25 00:12:29 2012
>> blino <blino> 3-27.mga3:
>> + Revision: 297306
>> - obsolete policykit, replaced by polkit
>> - obsolete hal and hal-info, replaced by udisks and later by udisks2
> I would question obsoleting hal here. Is there a serious reason to do
> that? What if there are 3rd party packages that still need it? Or
> isn't it working at all on mga3? If it still works i wouldn't obsolete
> it that way.

hal removal has been discussed here a few weeks go and got no

hal has been first replaced by DeviceKit, which has then been replaced
by udev + udisks, the later being again replaced by udisks2.
We are many architecture cycles away from hal already.

Fedora removed it one year ago already:

Do you have any example of such thirdparty software using it?

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_%28software%29#Deprecated

Olivier Blin - blino

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