[Mageia-dev] need some help to build a linuxsampler.rpm

PhilippeDidier philippedidier at laposte.net
Wed Sep 26 00:42:57 CEST 2012

PhilippeDidier a écrit :
> Hi ! Happy packagers...
> I'm trying to build some missing rpms that exist in Mandriva-contrib but
> not yet in Mageia... (most of them concern Computer Aided Music)
> gig
> linuxsampler
> gigedit
> qsampler
> linuxsampler depends on gig
> gigedit and qsampler depend on linuxsampler
> I use the same spec files and sources and patches as in Mandriva...
> (with minor cosmetic changes)
> It's OK for gig
> But
> I'm having problem with linuxsampler that could be built for
> Mandriva2010.2 but that can't be with Mageia2
> I get several times this kind of message when running rpmbuild -ba
> (before it aborts) :
> ../src/plugins/.libs/liblinuxsamplerplugins.a(InstrumentEditorFactory.o): In
> function `__exchange_and_add_dispatch':
> /usr/lib/gcc/i586-mageia-linux-gnu/4.6.3/../../../../include/c++/4.6.3/ext/atomicity.h:80:
> undefined reference to `pthread_cancel'
> ../src/common/.libs/liblinuxsamplercommon.a(Path.o): In function
> `__exchange_and_add_dispatch':
> /usr/lib/gcc/i586-mageia-linux-gnu/4.6.3/../../../../include/c++/4.6.3/ext/atomicity.h:80:
> undefined reference to `pthread_cancel'
> What may cause this ?
> libpthread-2.1.14-1.so is of course present and linked in /lib/ and
> /lib/i686
> but there's an empty libpthread.so file in /usr/lib/
> (same as in Mandriva) does it induces any confusion ?
> Any idea ?
> Thanks for your help...
> Philippe
Last news ...

Thanks to your help and patience and pedagogy
I could package :
and test them ... OK !

But it's not enough :
I could package
Qsampler too (a GUI for linuxsampler which is useless without a GUI)
But Qsampler sometimes segfaults... it's a known upstream bug which is
not yet fixed ! (it worked well with the previous versions of qt4-devel
provided by Mandriva 2010.2) I don't think it's nice to provide it now
as it is.

I can provide the spec and patches files through bugzilla in  package

But  it's useless without a working and safe GUI ...
If someone want to test them (knowing that it is not ready to use)
 May I use the package request in spite of this errors perhaps with a
warning ?

Nevertheless we can use an opensource java interface (provided by the
linuxsampler team)
I tested it : there's no segfault

Two way to package it :
- simply provide a platform independent Java executable (already built
by linuxsampler team, tested and working with Mageia's JRE ) with a
desktop file and the jar file in a easy to create rpm... but not
providing the source code
- build a package from sources with the Mageia's openJDK

What is the Mageia policy about jar files ?

Last but not least I'm still stuck with gigedit
it seems to be an autoconfigure problem

Any volunteer (need to have built and installed gig, liblscp and
linuxsampler first)

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