[Mageia-dev] About bug 6676

Pierre-Malo Deniélou pierre-malo.denielou at rhul.ac.uk
Thu Feb 21 13:02:13 CET 2013

On 20/02/13 23:25, Juan Luis Baptiste wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 5:11 PM, zezinho<lists.jjorge at free.fr>  wrote:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/Games/Suggested#World_of_Padman
>> says that game engine is open-source, so it should not go to non-free!
> Yeah but AFAIK the game data isn't free, that's why fedora doesn't
> include it and uses the autodownloader (I'll double check this) .
> Anyway,  that's not the point here. :) it's more if everyone is okay
> on including the game complete wether it's on core or non free,
> instead of reusing the ioq3 engine.

I would say that packages which autodownload non-free material should be 
in nonfree (like get-skype). For the same reason that free packages 
which Require a package in nonfree should be in nonfree.

As for World of Padman, if it works well in Mageia, is redistributable, 
and there is someone to maintain it, I see no reason not to import it.


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