[Mageia-discuss] Should Mageia have linux-libre kernel? Yes!

atilla ontas tarakbumba at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 12:25:16 CEST 2010

I fully agree with this opinion. Linux-libre should be offered to free
software addict users while propierty drives and other non-free software
included as a choice.

2010/9/20 Filipe Saraiva <filip.saraiva at gmail.com>

> It would be good to give this to the user. I agree with her.
> Em 19 de setembro de 2010 17:50, André Machado <
> andreferreiramachado at yahoo.com.br> escreveu:
>> People,
>> Now that the distro is starting, it's easier to define the course of the
>> project. We have to make sure we're doing the right thing.
>> Something to be discussed is whether the distro will follow the guidelines
>> of the FSF and have only free software on it. This is something to be widely
>> discussed: support for the Stallman's group could be very advantageous, but
>> would sacrifice the end user experience. Proprietary software could be
>> placed in a separate repository. Another point is that according GPL, all
>> source code should be available.
>> But something the distro MUST have as an option to the user - that would
>> bring a lot of free software activists for our side - regardless of the
>> choice to be made in relation to this requirement as is the ability to
>> install your kernel linux-libre .
>> Basically, linux-libre is a fork of the Linux kernel maintained by the FSF
>> Latin America that has no binary blobs. Currently, there are very few
>> distros that offer it.
>> I believe he should be in the repositories or on the installation media,
>> where the user can install a system with it by typing something like
>> "install = libre" or something similar at boot time of this media. Of
>> course, we offer regular Linux kernel as default.
>> For more information, see:
>> http://www.fsfla.org/svnwiki/selibre/linux-libre/
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> --
> Filipe Saraiva
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> Associação Piauiense de Software Livre
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