[Mageia-discuss] Repositories: Was [UK user community?]

atilla ontas tarakbumba at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 13:32:39 CEST 2010

I'm agree with this opinion as i wrote a minute ago to the UK user
community? subject. But as you know we, therd party packagers are not
well experienced packagers. An official packager should review our
packages and aasist to correct issues. So, we can learn more and
provide better packages. As a result users can reach their needs from
official contrib or communtiy repo.

2010/9/20 Oliver Burger <burger at webgis.de>:
> I totally agree with Thomas,
> as some may know, the German community has their own repo as well. The reason
> was the somehow difficult procedure in contributing packages to Mandriva.
> But: we have decided to contribute to mageia directly in the future. Like
> Thomas said, many Third-party repos make it difficult for the users to find and
> install packages. It also leads to dependency problems sometimes, when
> packages from different third party repos collide.
> And even if there are packages which are only of use to people with some
> language, nationality and so on. Why shouldn't they be in the official repos.
> E.g. I don't speak any asian language but the tools for those languages did
> never disturb me. They were just there in the repo without ane sideeffects to
> my system...
> Oliver
> Thomas Lottmann <skiperdrake at gmail.com>
>>   Le 20/09/2010 12:53, atilla ontas a écrit :
>> > Also local communities can package software just for their needs and
>> > won't placed in official repos. Like we providing Zekr (Quran study
>> > tool) and zemberek (Turkish spell-checking tool) on Mandriva Turkiye
>> > repository (MVT)
>> Just a not : I am against this form of packaging only for a group of
>> people. Anywhere in the world someone who wants to study a language,
>> turkish for xample, may need it. Currently we need to focus all our
>> efforts in Mageias official repositories and avoid as much as possible
>> having too many different repositories. Programs are usually not
>> territory dependant.
>> That's out of subject anyway, but I wanted to tell clearly my opinion on
>> this. Remember : Mageia takes back the same spirit of easy to use and
>> simplicity that comes form Mandriva and Mandrake. Fiddling with many
>> extra repositories is then what we do not want to hear about. This would
>> even force people to be members or to visit the website to add the repo
>> and then access te program they were looking for. So, that's just no to me.
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> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Oliver Burger
> burger at webgis.de
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