[Mageia-discuss] UK user community?

Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI renaud at olgiati-in-paraguay.org
Mon Sep 20 13:37:38 CEST 2010

On Monday 20 September 2010, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from atilla ontas <tarakbumba at gmail.com> who wrote:

> I'm not insisting on seperate repositories. Why we (as Mandriva
> Turkiye) created that repository is some packages can not be accepted,
> like zemberek (See: https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=46479)
> according to mdv packaging policies.
The multiplication of repositories makes it difficult (read: bloody 
impossible) to see/know at a go all that is available.

And the idea of local repos seems very short-sighted IMO; just as an example, 
I am French, live in Paraguay, and use French, English, German, Japanese and 
at times Hebrew; which local repo should I subscribe to ?
                      In science there is only physics;
                      all the rest is stamp collecting.
                                   -- Ernest Rutherford
                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

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