[Mageia-discuss] Mageia Forums

Olivier Méjean omejean at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 21 19:42:05 CEST 2010

Tux99 a écrit
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, vfmBOFH wrote:
> > I did not say that representatives are decison makers. As its position
> > indicates, they "represent" their respective communities. Their vote (or
> > decision) *must* be their communities one.
> There is no need for representative democracy on the Internet, arranging
> local poll in each community and then a global one where the community
> reps vote takes more time and effort than a single global poll.
> All that's needed is direct links to the global poll from the local
> community web sites so everyone can partecipate.
> > The "central hub" should be seen as a "parliament", where users (who have
> > previously elected their representatives) are represented.
> Completely disagree. And what about those Mageia users that don't have a
> local community or that prefer spending their time on the global forum
> rather than in local forums?
> Again there is zero need for a representative democracy on the Internet.
> It only distorts the true wishes of the users and potentially creates
> local ego-power-positions that only cause controversy and in-fights.

Users are not sticked on Internet. If sticked they may not are on the same 
channels than developers.

Many users, if not most of them are invisible to developers since those users 
are not used to work the same way, using the same tools as developers. How 
many users will follow a mailing-list about mageia development ? How many 
users will follow IRC channels about mageia (they must first know what is IRC 

So, there must be a way for users to have a representation as well as 
developers and contributors.

Olivier Méjean
Président de l'Association des Utilisateurs Francophones de Mandriva Linux
twitter : obagoom
identi.ca : goom

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